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Image by Pavan Trikutam

DigiCards: Digital Competence Cards for counselling

We believe in educational and career counselling that uses digital tools to provide its clients with a counselling process that is sustainable, relationship-oriented and tailored to their needs.

Career guidance faces new challenges with the digital transformation, especially with the increased use of AI and new technologies. At the same time counselling thrives on the relationship work between counsellor and client.

Logo of the DigiCards project representing competence cards.

With DigiCards, we are enabling the digital evolution of a central method in educational and career counselling – working with competence cards. With the development of digital competence cards, we are providing a tool that supports educational and career counsellors in their daily work with their clients in a practical and easy-to-use way.

Two main goals

  1. To design a user-friendly and tailored digital competence cards tool, which are relevant for labour market, social inclusion, and personal development.

  2. To support educational and career counsellors with DigiCards in dealing with digital technologies and the use of digital methods for daily work practice.  

Main activities and outputs

Development of digital competence cards for educational and career counselling

The DigiCards tool is now out and available online and free of charge at:

For a practical solution for the use of digital competence cards, it is important for us to involve educational and career counsellors as experts in their own work. For this reason, two DigiCards focus group were organised in each project partner country to identify needs, requirements and relevant information on the use of digital competence cards. In addition, two interviews with renowned experts from science and research were conducted in order to include future developments in the labour market and counselling context at international level in the development of the digital competence cards.

To read more about the main conclusion of LLLP's focus group and expert interview, please find here a more complete article.

The tool is currently being tested by educational and career counsellors during a piloting phase. Their feedback will be used to adapt and finalise the tool and Competence Handbook. If you are an educational and career counsellor and want to participate in the pilot, please contact or If you explore the tool, you can also provide us with feedback by filling out the feedback form available in the tool.

The DigiCards Competence Handbook

The use of digital competence cards also requires customised guidance and a playful approach when using digital competence cards. Therefore, a Competence Handbook is being finalised (in English and German) to present tried and tested approaches in methodology and didactics to support the professional use of digital competence cards.

Download below the English version of the Handbook.

Networking and DigiCards events

After a successful pilot phase, we will present the results and the DigiCards toolbox at networking events in Austria and Belgium to increase the reach of the use of digital competence cards in educational and career counselling. In addition, there will be an international event in digital format at the end to bring together educational and career counsellors from all over Europe, present the DigiCards solutions developed and celebrate the success of our project together.

Follow more about DigiCards, by following the link:

LLLP will continue updating this page with all the main deliverables and activities of the project throughout 2024.


DigiCards is a project co-financed by the European Union within the framework of Erasmus+.

Lead coordinator: KARBON Consulting GmbH (Austria)

Partner: Lifelong Learning Platform (Belgium)

Project period: 01.01.2024 – 31.12.2024

Project number: 2023-2-AT01-KA210-VET-0001758544


The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.



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